1. The consignor will receive 50% of the selling price of items priced over $100. For items originally priced under $100 the consignor will receive 40%. The consignor will receive 66.6% of the selling price of certain luxury brand handbags. Prices are determined by the owner of Roundabout. With the exception of extremely high-end pieces, prices will not be quoted prior to items being offered for sale. Roundabout does not guarantee the final selling price of any item.
2. Roundabout reserves the right to reduce items at any time. Permanent markdowns usually do not begin until June for the Spring/Summer season and December for the Fall/Winter season.
3. Items accepted by Roundabout may not be retrieved until the end of the relevant consignment season. The consignment season for Fall/Winter items end February 15th, Spring/Summer ends August 15th. There will be a 10% restocking fee if items are picked up prior to the end of the consignment period.
4. Unsold items not retrieved at the end of the appropriate consignment season become the property of Roundabout. No notice will be given regarding unsold items. It is consignor’s responsibility to contact Roundabout via email no more than 30 days prior to the end of the appropriate consignment season in order to have unsold items collected for return. The consigner will then be notified when the items are ready to be retrieved (up to 4 weeks after the consignment period ends).
5. Items initially priced under $50.00 are not eligible for pick-up and will automatically be donated to charity.
6. Items accepted near the end of a season or “out of season” may be stored at our discretion until the start of the next appropriate season. These items cannot be retrieved until the end of the next appropriate season.
7. We do our best to look items over when they are received. If items are later found to be unsaleable the consignor will be notified and asked to pick up those items within one week. Items not retrieved will be donated to charity.
8. We reserve the right to dry clean or repair any item. This includes the sewing of buttons etc. and the polishing of bags, shoes or jewelry. The cost of dry cleaning or repair will be deducted from consignor's account immediately.
9. Checks are printed for $50.00 or more on the last day of each month for items sold up to the end of the previous month. They are mailed the following week. A service fee of $2.00 will be deducted for each check sent.
10. Roundabout is not responsible for fire, theft, loss, damages or donations in error. Consignor shoe boxes are discarded.
A pricelist will follow (usually within 14 days). The list may be delayed if any items require dry cleaning or repair. Lists are sent via email.